Thursday, May 10, 2007

You're once, twice, three times a lady....

Despite what all of you haters may say or think, yesterday a dream came true. I was in the same space as the gorgeous Lindsay Lohan. It. Was. Amazing.

Not only is she beautiful, incredibly bruised up (track marks... or maybe just from falling while in a drunken stupor) and far skinnier than she looks in magazines, but, well... that's all I really have to say. Basically, I want to be her.

Anyway, much to my surprise the ultimate stage-mom, who is only about 1 small step away from Mama Rose (Gypsy Rose Lee's mother whose constant disdain and neglect for Gypsy drove her to a life of burlesque just to feel the love and admiration from others that she should have learned from her wretched mother), Dina Lohan was absent. How sad. I would have loved to see the family dynamic. However little Ali Lohan was present, and uneventful.

I mean, absolutely nothing eventful happened at all besides her walking by me in all of her coked-out oblivion. But it was a magical moment... the pap (paparazzi) were there chasing her down the street on their little bicycles and everything. My life is made and I am a happy girl that no longer wants to ever eat again just to be as skinny as Lindsay (however, this will never happen).

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